Early Childhood Development

BIED’s Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Center for Play program is dedicated to advocating the importance of play in early years’ learning. Through research, model development and training, the program provides comprehensive understanding on child developmental domains - infant and early years’ stimulation, caregiver and parent programs, play-based learning and maternal health. It is additionally a hub for early years’ learning in Bangladesh, operating in partnership with ECD networks home and abroad, including Bangladesh ECD Network (BEN) as well as private and public stakeholders.


The ECD & Center for Play Program is in collaboration with international organizations which showcase ECD and its componants through different lenses. As such, the program works in emerging areas in line with international trends within the sphere of ECD.

BIED Play Model:

When an idea becomes a reality Children deserve the right to play and the BIED Play Model provides children with that opportunity. In this world of academia-driven results, BIED’s play model is a unique scope for children of the early years to engage in age-specific play activities, which are not only fun and interactive, but are also educational and tap into a child’s developmental domains.


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Short Courses

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vestibulum convallis odio, ut tempus metus fringilla ut. Curabitur imperdiet augue at neque sollicitudin interdum. Nam vitae accumsan enim. Nullam a nibh erat. Integer quis feugiat orci, vel dignissim magna. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam tempor aliquet nisl, nec suscipit orci dignissim finibus.